Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: November 1, 2023 - Last updated: November 1, 2023


Author: Jacinta R. Saffold

Title: Pricing Black Girl Pain

Subtitle: The Cost of Black Girlhood in Street Lit

In: #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture

Edited by: Mary K. Holland and Heather Hewett

Place: New York, NY

Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

Year: 2021

Pages: 71-82

ISBN-13: 9781501372742 (hardback) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9781501372735 (paperback) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9781501372759 (EPUB) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat ISBN-13: 9781501372766 (PDF) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9781501372773 (online) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | American History: U.S. History | Representations: Literary Texts / Omar Tyree, Lisa Williamson


- Bloomsbury Collections (Restricted Access)

- Google Books (Limited Preview)


Author: Jacinta R. Saffold, International Studies Program, University of New Orleans - Author's Personal Website,

Abstract: »Jacinta Saffold explores how street lit, in its representation of the lived experiences of Black girls and women, both normalizes the systemic exploitation of Black girls and profits from narratives about their pain.« (Source: Hewett, Heather, et al.»Introduction: Literary Studies as Literary Activism.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. Edited Mary K. Holland et al. New York 2021: 10.)

  Locating Black Girls on the Bookshelf (p. 73)
  Bad (Black) Bitches and Gender Control in Street Lit (p. 76)
  Concrete Cityscapes, Financial Moralism, and Black Girlhood (p. 79)
  Notes (p. 80)
  Works Cited (p. 81)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of the United States | Literature: American literature / Omar Tyree, Lisa Williamson | Sex and the law: Sexual violence